
Buyers’ Process Overview at The Feldman Group

Initial Consultation

Start your home-buying journey with a personalized consultation. We’ll discuss your needs, preferences, and budget, ensuring we understand exactly what you’re looking for in your dream home.

Financing and Mortgage Assistance

With my background as a former Loan Officer and our strong relationships with reputable local lenders, we provide unmatched guidance in securing financing. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or moving into the luxury market, we connect you with the perfect lending match, ensuring competitive rates and tailored financial solutions​​.

Property Search and Selection

Leverage our advanced search tools to find properties that match your criteria. We’ll schedule and accompany you on viewings, providing expert insights and advice on each property.

Market Analysis and Property Evaluation

Once you’ve identified a property that captures your interest, we’ll perform a strategic Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). This step is crucial in understanding the true value and potential of your chosen home. We analyze comparable properties in the area, focusing on factors such as location, size, age, and condition. Our analysis includes an examination of the absorption rate, revealing how quickly homes are selling in the neighborhood at various price points and under different conditions.

We also consider the property’s history and local market trends, especially data from the past 18 months, to provide a well-rounded view of your selected property. This process is designed to ensure you make an informed decision, backed by comprehensive market insights.

A friendly reminder: While it’s easy to fall in love with a property, it’s important to maintain a level-headed approach until the keys are in your hand. Getting emotionally attached too early can impact our ability to negotiate effectively on your behalf. Trust in our expertise to guide you through the process, and we’ll do our utmost to turn your dream into reality, negotiating the best possible terms for you.

Offer and Negotiation

We assist in crafting competitive offers and excel in negotiations to secure the best terms and price for you, drawing on our extensive experience and market knowledge.

Inspection and Due Diligence

We coordinate thorough property inspections, addressing any concerns and guiding you through the due diligence process to ensure a sound investment.

Closing Process

The closing is managed by the title company, however, we’ll be there to guide you through the whole process.

Post-Purchase Support

Our support extends beyond the purchase. We offer ongoing advice and resources for homeownership, maintenance, and more, ensuring you’re well-equipped for your new home journey.